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October 24, 2006



Hi Michelle, you must be just posting. You might want your readers to know that Dove Beauty has a self-esteem seminar on Real Beauty coming up in Vancouver on November 25, 2006 for girls 8-12! Please go to www.dove.ca and click on "campaign for real beauty". Then "join a real beauty workshop" to register for free. I'm not sure if there's a fee for the actual workshop - it might be on the website. I really feel that self-esteem and self-confidence are the most important things every girl (and woman) should possess! I've already sent this out to all my girlfriends with girls age 8 and up. Have a great night Michelle.


Thanks for the heads up Gloria! I'd love to bring my 2 older girls as they fit right in those ages. I totally agree with you and think self confidence and self esteem are so important. That is one of the reasons my girls are in Karate. Their Sensai is awesome at instilling this in the kids and as he says, a confident child is much less likely to get picked on by bullies or attacked by someone. I'm going to go check out the website right now.

Donna Chomichuk

Hi Michelle

Checked out the Dove workshop - what a fabulous idea - I've signed myself and my daughter up. Looking forward to it.


It sounds like fun doesn't it?! My girls are looking forward to it. Hopefully we'll see you there.


What a fabulous commercial. I really wish we could make the girls of today realize that so much of what they deem as "beauty" is computer generated. The more people that see this type of thing, the better. I've sent the link to everyone I know!

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