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January 25, 2007



Oh phew!
This is the kind of travel story I love to read Michele. Glad the good karma is tucked in your suitcase.

Enjoy the day, hope your feet will carry you the whole way with a smile and you and Kate will for sure see many things that will excite you.



Glad you made it there without any mishaps.
I love the look of that store you were in, so big and spacious. I love their lounge area too, looks so inviting.
Can't wait to hear more adventures of your trip.


Yes, they have lots of space! Over 7,000sq feet!


YOU MADE IT SAFE! YOORAY. If I am ever in Anaheim, I will have to go into that store. I cant believe they have a lounge. Too cool!


The store is about an hour away from Anaheim. Really nice lounge area.

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