Did you ever have one of those days? Today was a great day, but also one of those days. It's a very long story (you know how my traveling stories go - always an adventure!) but we ended up without a hotel room for tonight. Our options were to go stay at my husband's Aunts house which while tons of fun, is not conveniently close to the convention center and is chock full of relatives all come in for the weekend, so the chances of getting any work done were nil. Our other choice was the offer of our dear friend Jennifer from Lasting Memories (a beautiful store in Lynwood, WA if you are ever in that area you must go visit)to stay in her hotel room since she had a suite. We gladly took her up on her offer and went to stay with her and her daughter Megan and have had a great time chatting about our stores, and the industry. Jennifer is one of my favourite industry friends and I always enjoy our conversations. The only downside is the internet connection here is not strong so we aren't able to do our update on the website. So now it is midnight, and everyone else has gone to bed. I can't leave you high and drive, so I am able to get the photos onto my blog - not as pretty as the website, but will still give you an idea of what we accomplished today.
Started out the day with another of my favourite industry friends Kristi Sikora-Blankenship from Cropper Hopper. (actually we figure we are twins separated at birth - she is one of the few people I know that talks as fast as I do and is as animated and excitable and go go go as me. Just love her!) We took a little video clip of something that will be happening at PE this fall and because of the internet situation here, you'll have to wait until we get home to find out all about it. It is very exciting and it is something that you and I are going to do together. Can't wait!
Piggy Tales has been on of our favourites right from it's beginnings. Debbie and her husband Ryann (and many of you remember the adorable picture of their son Chace as a baby - he is now almost 2 so too old to be allowed on the show floor) are expecting their second son in September. Such a nice couple. She has designed some very cool papers again with very fresh clean colours. And their new Hide and Seek flap book is so cute! Watch for some classes with this at PE and Kate is also going to use this for her Monkey see class at the Vancouver Crop for Kids event in October. Here are their 4 new lines and the board book.