I went to check out Natasha's Blog to see how the adventures in Haiti have been going as they are there to bring their daughter home. Wow, one thing after another. I love the photos she has posted and her strength through all the trials they have encountered amazes me. One of the comments had a link to this video by Sara Groves titled I Saw What I Saw about the children she encountered on a trip to Rwanda. The music is beautiful and get out your kleenex box. When I see things like this I feel so helpless sitting in my safe office at my nice desk with a warm safe home with lots of food and a loving family filling it. These children have so little and have often been through more than any of us will ever go through - and yet their smiles...!! I think what can I do, how can I help? We have a foster child in Kenya (he is 16 and wants to come to Canada to become a doctor!) and I have such a strong need to do more. I have done some fundraising and donated money, but it isn't enough to do. How do you help the millions of children in the world who need help? I want to take them all home with me and love and hug them and take care of them. (I'm typing through tears here, I'm such a wimp!). I sure hope I am paying attention and not too busy when God tells me what I can do to make a difference.