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July 23, 2008



OMG I sooo cannot wait for the crop on Saturday. Dorota laughed at me cuz I thought it was Sunday! Since the "Getting it Done" class, I have been able to resist starting the pages I planned that night (that has been really hard, tho I know once I had started, I would have had nothing for the crop!) Thanks again to Michelle for that wonderful class! I may have to sneak off to the store during the crop to buy more stuff, what with the great discount! :D See you then.


I am sooooooo with you Amy. I am just about jumping out of my skin at the prospect of scrapbooking all day!!!!!! woohooooo!!!!!
I have created over 30 Getting It Done kits in the last 2 days (my 2 daughters are coming too and they are so excited!) I plan on getting lots done! Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you tomorrow.

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