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August 19, 2008



I bet Turkey's Party palace would have wings...the dollar store by Superstore had butterflies done with yellow nylon, or decor.


I'm on it!!! I have that QK die and that is no problem. I'll get some done in a 1/2 hr of tv watching or something.

Would you be able to tell me when the date of the crop is Michele?


Thanks Thanh! Much appreciated.

Are you referring to Doreen's Cancer crop she usually does? She isn't doing one this year so we will be doing a simple type crop probably in Oct. The date will be finalized in the next few days so watch for details.


Ohhh just a small one, I had so much last year! Looking fwd to it still. Michele, do you want the base (antennae and body of the butterfly) black like the sample QK has?

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