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April 03, 2009


Christine N.

2 wks ago, I suffered my 4th miscarriage in 3 years and have found new inspiration to sit down and scrapbook my favorite moments with my 4 other wonderful children. It's surprised me that the grief renewed my creativity because I hadn't really visited PE since the QK Soiree. I've also started a mini book to carry in my purse and remember my angels.

Even though it's geared towards our furbabies, reading this poem reminded me of the day I will see my babies in heaven and brought tears to my eyes.

Here is the beautiful poem a friend recently shared with me:

"An Angel in the book of life
Wrote down my baby's birth
And whispered as she closed the book..
Too beautiful for Earth"

Bless you Mary in the passing of Porkie.


That is a beautiful poem Christine. Thanks for sharing. I too have 3 guardian angels in heaven watching my 3 angels on earth. My heart goes out to you and your family in your loss and I'm glad that scrapbooking is bringing you and your children some great moments. Take care.


Blessings to you Mary. So sorry to hear of your loss.

Christine, the poem you shared is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life with the rest of us!

All the best to you both!

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